Support Our Work

Our charity is run entirely by volunteers, and we are funded by the generosity of our members and donors.

Find out more about the ways you can support our vital work:

Become a Member

Join our charity and help contribute to the ongoing care and rescue of feral cats in the UK. Membership is a cost-effective way to demonstrate your support for our work, and you’ll also receive a twice-yearly newsletter to update you on the work of our branches.

Membership costs just £8 per year (£4 for seniors/concessions), or choose to make a lasting impact by becoming a lifetime member for a one-off payment of £100.

Join Online

You can apply to become a member and/or make a donation securely by debit or credit card using the appropriate button below.

If you are a UK Taxpayer your donation, however large or small, can be increased by 25% through Gift Aid at no extra cost to you.

Please complete the Gift Aid form further down the page and remember to tick the box.

Join By Post

You can donate to our charity by cheque or Banker’s Order by downloading and filling out the relevant part(s) of the Membership Application Form below. If you are an eligible UK taxpayer, you can increase your donation by 25% through Gift Aid by also including a completed Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Make a Donation

Our work is funded entirely by your kind donations. Please support us by considering a one-off or regular monthly donation of an amount of your choice.

Online Donations

You can make a donation securely by debit or credit card through Stripe.


Gift Aid is a simple way making your donations go further. It allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have already paid on your donations as a UK taxpayer. For every £1 you donate we can claim an extra 25p of tax, at no extra cost to you.

All you need to do is complete the form below.  You just need to have paid enough tax to cover the Gift Aid donations you make in the tax year.

Offline Donations

If you prefer, you can donate to our charity by cheque or Banker’s Order by downloading and filling out the relevant part(s) of the Membership Application Form below. If you are an eligible UK taxpayer, you can increase your donation by 25% through Gift Aid by also including a completed Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Consider Us In Your Will

Why not remember the cats in your will? By making a bequest to CAT77 you can ensure our life saving work can continue. Please make sure your legacy is made in favour of CAT ACTION TRUST 1977, REGISTERED CHARITY No. 801245

You can name headquarters or any of our branches as your beneficiary.

Contact us for more information.

Donate While You Shop

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Cat Action Trust 1977, at no additional cost to yourself? Here are two different options for you to generate funds for us while you shop, without costing you a penny:

There are over 6,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S.

    1. Go to this link on Easyfundraising and join for free.

    2. Once you have an account set up on easyfundraising, you will have the option to install our browser extension. This will pop up on every retailer site where a donation is available, which means you don’t have to remember to come to easyfundraising first! Or, if you prefer, you can download the app to your mobile device.

    3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Cat Action Trust 1977 Headquarters at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

With over 6,000 shops available, from Boots, PetsAtHome, Waitrose, Groupon and more, you can shop with all the big brands, high street shops and websites.

    1. Go to this link on Giveasyoulive and click Support Us to create an account.

    2. Every time you shop online, go to your dashboard and click on the site you want to start shopping.

    3. After your purchase, the retailer will make a donation to Cat Action Trust 1977 Headquarters automatically, without costing you anything.

Support Your Local Branch

If you can spare some time to help our cause we would love to hear from you. Even the smallest amount of time, it all helps. Here are some examples of the kind of support our branches need:

Sponsor a cat, or foster a cat or kitten

Brian came from a home where the elderly lady had passed away. He’s semi feral but is not bright enough to go and live on a farm. He is not friendly enough to rehome - absolutely no touching allowed. Brian will stay in the care of our branch for the rest of his life.

We have cats and kittens coming into our care all the time. We never put a healthy cat to sleep, fosterers are urgently needed. Why not sponsor the longer-term upkeep of an animal? Our branches always have cats and kittens who stay longer because they are old, disabled, have health or behaviour issues or are nursing queens.  

Fostering is very rewarding. Please contact HQ, or your local branch, if you are interested.

Help at local events

Help a branch at one of their fundraising events… on a stall, jumble sale or bazaar. Many of our branches attend local fairs and help on the day is always appreciated.  You can assist with manning the stall, helping to transport goods to and from the event or by storing boxes of bric-a-brac between fairs. “Bring & Buys”, quiz evenings, auctions, garden parties etc

Unwanted gifts of any kind, good quality bric-a-brac, books, toys and hand-made items are always gratefully received. Some branches can use jumble and second-hand clothes.

Trapping Feral Cats

If you are an experienced trapper, or someone who wants to learn contact your local CAT77 branch for more information.


All our branches are short of drivers. Lifts are needed to vets, to sites and to prospective homes to be vetted.

Donate Goods Through Amazon

Many of our branches operate Amazon Wish Lists. You can purchase items that they have an urgent need for and they will be delivered directly to the branch. Contact them to ask if they have an Amazon Wishlist that you can shop from. Here are links to three of our local branches’ Wishlists: