Safe In Our Arms
Towards the end of last summer, a very lucky cat somehow made her own way into our care by turning up in our Branch Leader Sybil’s garden. For a few days the cat was only seen at night and would hide when disturbed. Sybil immediately started to encourage the cat to approach the house.
Lulu’s wounds took a long while to heal.
After several days the cat bravely ventured indoors. It immediately became apparent that the poor girl was in desperate need of help. Her right leg was trapped under a very tightly fitted flea collar which was secured with a buckle. Heaven only knows how long the poor girl had struggled this way and her injuries were horrific with infection already spread to large areas of her body, accompanied by flies. The smell was overpowering. This cat needed immediate veterinary attention. We did trace the cat’s original owner and found out her name was Lulu. Facing such a hefty vet bill they didn’t want her back and gratefully signed her over to us.
Lulu, safe in Sybil’s arms
Our wonderful vets treated the wounds very effectively and stapled an area that was particularly damaged. But…. after an initially promising prognosis poor Lulu’s injuries proved to be very difficult to treat and she developed a secondary infection caused by enterococcus species bacteria. This infection resisted five different courses of antibiotics and steroids; it even resisted treatment with manuka honey and Hibiscrub. However, after being in the very capable and dedicated hands of Sybil, who has tirelessly bathed the wounds three times a day every day, it finally healed.
Throughout all of this Lulu has remained tolerant and loving. We cannot stress enough how dangerous buckle flea collars are. Treatment for the injuries caused to Lulu by this one has now exceeded £2300! She was lucky; I wonder how many cats would not have been so fortunate to find help.
Lulu is a beautiful cat with such a gentle nature despite everything she’s been through, and she is now well enough to find her forever home. Fate certainly played its part in Lulu’s rescue.
CAT77 Nuneaton & Hinckley